Boil milk in a heavy bottom pan.Once it comes to a boil, switch
off the flame and add 1/2 cup of water to bring the temperature
of the milk down a bit.
Wait for 5-10 minutes and then start adding lemon juice till
milk curdles.
Add lemon juice till the milk curdles completely.
Using a strainer drain the water and collect the chena.
Rinse it under tap water so that there's no trace of lemon juice
in it.
Leave it in the strainer for 10-15 minutes and then take the
chena in your hand and squeeze out remaining water slowly.
Add cornflour and start mashing the chena till it’s smooth.
Set the clock to 10 minutes and mash constantly for 10 minutes
using your palm. Once it’s smooth, make small balls out of it.
Heat 1 cup sugar and 4 cups water in a wide pan and wait till it
comes to a full boil.
Drop the balls in boiling sugar syrup and cook for 15-17
minutes. The balls will double in size by then.
Take out the balls from the syrup and drop them in fresh water.
If they sink to the bottom, the balls are done.